Free China Pod: Sucks to Suck
Hong Kong updates (DON’T FORGET ABOUT HONG KONG), China and Russia (along with Pakistan and Cuba) will now be on the UN Human Rights Council, BTS getting heat from wumao, Continue Reading
The Premier Source for News & Political Analysis out of Taiwan
Hong Kong updates (DON’T FORGET ABOUT HONG KONG), China and Russia (along with Pakistan and Cuba) will now be on the UN Human Rights Council, BTS getting heat from wumao, Continue Reading
On this one we talk about the KMT reshuffling their party list candidates, the Overton window in Taiwan, another Taiwanese citizen (Shih Cheng-ping) charged in China, the 2019 annual US-China Continue Reading
On this one we discuss topics including: how CCP censorship is spreading to the US including the NBA and South Park, the 2020 election and Democratic primary, Hong Kong and Continue Reading