We understand that consumers have personal preferences regarding their choice of products and vendors, but for those whose conscience tells them to avoid either products made in the PRC, or made by companies who explicitly support the PRC, this page should provide a list of companies and ways to avoid buying from them.
The following drink shops have falsely acknowledged that Taiwan is a province of China:
一芳 Yifang :supports 1C2S (one-country, two systems), and opposes the Hong Kong Protest Movement
COCO都可:supports the Hong Kong security law, stated that Hong Kong was an inseparable part of the Communist People’s Republic of China.
貢茶 Gongcha:supports 1C2S, stated that Hong Kong was an inseparable part of the Communist People’s Republic of China.
大苑子 Dayungs:states that Dayuanzi comes from Chinese Taiwan
85度C / 85 ° C:supports the “1992 consensus,” stated that the PRC and Taiwan were one racial brotherhood (稟持「兩岸一家親」)
鹿角巷 The Alley:at one time used the phrases Chinese Taiwan and Chinese Hong Kong「中國台灣,中國香港」,though later deleted the post on Weibo
日出茶太 Chatime:claims that they are a Chinese drink brand 自稱中國的茶飲品牌,用詞較模糊。
鮮芋仙 Meet Fresh:claim that they are a brand that Chinese people should be proud of
老虎堂 Tigersugar:state that Lao Hu Tang comes from Chinese Taiwan
迷客夏 Milkshop:uses the phrases Chinese Taiwan and Chinese Hong Kong「中國台灣,中國香港」
珍煮丹 Truedan:describe themselves as a brand of Chinese Taiwan
50嵐 (五十嵐) KOI:use the phrase Chinese Taiwan
丸作食茶/水玉丸作 Onezo:use the phrase Chinese Taiwan
The following Airlines have acquiesced to PRC demands to relist Taiwan as a Province of China:
British Airways, Lufthansa, Air France and Singapore Airlines list Taipei as in “Taiwan, China”
When using Shopee in Taiwan, if you would like to avoid using PRC sourced clothing which potentially uses Xinjiang cotton, be sure to use select Taiwan (台灣) only and un-click overseas (海外) to avoid using vendors located in the PRC.
The shoe store Vans (VF Corporation), in order to maintain their sales networks in Taiwan took down a pair of shoes that legitimately won a contest because its colors and imagery was suggestive of support for the Hong Kong protestors. The protestors were fighting for their rights against their own illegitimate government, violent police action, and the PRC violating the Basic law and Joint Declaration which made clear that China would avoid interfering in Hong Kong political affairs until 2047 at the earliest. For this act of cowardice and treason against the “street” values of freedom and individual expression, there is a largescale boycott against all Vans (VP corporation) products until they acknowledge what took place, and apologize to Hong Kongers for their crude betrayal of the supposed values that streetwear companies should adhere to.