The Free China Pod History: Emmett Till
CW: Violence, racism, racial violence, and rape are all mentioned in this episode. On this history pod, Jordan tells Ari about the lynching of Emmett Till. A brutal tale of Continue Reading
The Premier Source for News & Political Analysis out of Taiwan
CW: Violence, racism, racial violence, and rape are all mentioned in this episode. On this history pod, Jordan tells Ari about the lynching of Emmett Till. A brutal tale of Continue Reading
Throughout history, as countries became wealthier and more developed, they generally also saw an accompanying rise in population. However, in recent decades there has been a reversal in this trend Continue Reading
Rather than doing their assigned job, the WHO is squandering their precious international funding by instead focusing on supposed political correctness by spending years issuing and revising and endless stream Continue Reading
Singapore has announced that it has planned to repeal the criminalization of gay sex, however, it is taking steps to ensure that homosexual marriage is illegal. Decriminalizing same sex relationships Continue Reading
Russia, rather than actually recognizing independence of separatist regions in Ukraine, allegedly aims to annex territories captured their through an illegitimate referendum being carried out under military occupation and martial Continue Reading
Analysts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank say that in their recent runs of war games simulating a conflict between the US and the PRC Continue Reading
The European Continent has crossed uncountable challenges from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) to the European Union, from 6 countries to 27 countries. After World War Two, the Continue Reading
獨立戰爭後,1948年的以色列的意向很清楚。猶太人從祖流放後受到兩千年的歧視,以色列原本是一個會保護猶太民族的安全的所在,但每十年被入侵一次的結果是邊境變成很複雜。 現在以色列軍隊管的領土上,以色列國內的一百八十萬阿拉伯人加上加薩跟西岸的五百萬人口,總共包六百八十萬的阿拉伯人,相當於境內猶太人的總人口。。這下子以色列比較像中東多元新奧斯曼帝國不像猶太組國。 無論常說謊的右派Likud未來想不想併吞西岸,加薩都非常穩定,以色列最好的選擇是把加薩還給埃及。 以色列1979年還西奈半島給埃及時,把加薩留在以色列的管制是一個巨大的錯誤。加薩與世隔絕導致經濟崩潰、宗教狂熱、暴力民族主義爆發,這樣的加薩是全世界最大的難民營又沒有未來。 在以色列的管制下,Hamas黨2007年上任把反對黨者都殺掉後每五年都會有戰爭,平民傷亡如此普遍,以至於生命價值已被貶低,基礎設施跟生活水平糟糕透頂。這麼慘的情況下,以色列的政府還是不願意多留一點自治權給巴勒斯坦西岸Fatah或Hamas的政權。 很明顯目前的加薩無法獨立。認知到以色列的政策迄今削弱了整個地區的安全,最佳的途徑可能是把整個加薩領土還給文化上比較相似的埃及,為最終與埃及或未來的巴勒斯坦國合併做準備。 為了國家利益,如果以色列願意向埃及撥款以安置流離失所者、融入社會並穩定加薩的局勢,西岸會比較有未來,更有機會組成穩定的政府準備獨立。 Written by Ari B. Edited by Eddie C.
“The Fourth Strait Crisis” in Taiwan, the One China Principle/Policy, patriotism vs nationalism (again), Ukraine, Sea World, worker rights, COVID, transhumanism, reality, Myanmar, and much, much more! Thanks for listening Continue Reading
In this era, we are experiencing an unprecedented situation. A few weeks ago, the US Speaker of the House and third in line to the presidency, Nancy Pelosi, visited Taiwan Continue Reading