The Kaohsiung city government has implemented a new way to dispute traffic violations more easily on their website.

The city in southern Taiwan has added a new page to its website. This system allows those who wish to contest traffic tickets they believe to be incorrect to do so through the site instead of going in person to a police station. This “Violation Photo Inquiry” system (違規照片查詢) has only been implemented in two locations in Taiwan, Taipei and now Kaohsiung. Police hope that it will clear up issues that they have dealt with in the past.

When police mail out traffic citations they will attach photos of the violation in progress. Though sometimes the resolution of the photographs can be too low causing disputes between the accused party and police.

The system seems relatively straightforward and easy to use. Those that wish to dispute a ticket must simply enter the ticket number, their license plate number, and a confirmation code to enter the system, view relevant documents, and file a dispute. Photos will remain stored on the site for one year.

There is also a section on the website that allows drivers to sign up for SMS notifications of their reported violations. This could be for things like speed cameras or parking infractions. This could prevent accidental loss of the ticket in the mail and gives Kaohsiung residents a more convenient experience for a process that is likely vexing to most.